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BEAM Instruction Codes

BEAM file stores code in Code section, using 1 byte for opcode, and encoding arguments one after one using BEAM Compact Term Encoding. Opcode table defines arity, or how many arguments each opcode can take.

The table is not complete, for details on remaining opcodes please refer to LING VM opcode table or to the source beam_emu.c. Also see the opcode rules table, which defines special opcodes and rules to create super-instructions. Super-instructions bundle several often used instructions into one and try to optimize for specific argument types.

As of OTP 19 there are 158 base opcodes and several hundreds of super-instructions.

Opcode Table

Search for "#N" to find opcode N.

Slots are special values marking stack cell or a register. They can be used to point at the data source or move destination. There are several values of secondary tag which denote them.

#2 func_info

Func_info is located at the beginning of every function, but execution always begins at the next label. If all function clauses have failed guard checks, VM will jump to this instruction. It raises function_clause error with appropriate line number.

#4 call

Spec: call Arity Label

Saves current IP to CP (return address) and jumps to the Label, which usually is a function entry point.

#5 call_last

Spec: call_last Arity Label Deallocate

Deallocates Deallocate words on stack and does a tail recursive call (jump) to the function at Label. Does not update the CP register with a return address, making return bypass current code location.

#6 call_only

Spec: call_only Arity Label

Performs tail recursive call of a function at Label. Does not update the CP register with a return address, making return bypass current code location.

#7 call_ext

Spec: call_ext Arity Destination::mfarity()

Performs call to an external Destination mfarity (a tuple {Mod, Fun, Arity}) which can point to an exported function or a BIF. Return address is saved in CP.

#8 call_ext_last

Spec: call_ext_last Arity Destination::mfarity() Deallocate

Deallocates Deallocate words from stack and performs a tail recursive call to an external Destination mfarity (a tuple {Mod, Fun, Arity}) which can point to an exported function or a BIF. Does not update the CP register with a return address, making return bypass current code location.

#9 bif0

Spec: bif0 ImportIndex Dst::mfarity() (note no fail label)

Looks up BIF with zero arguments by Dst mfarity (a tuple {Mod, Fun, Arity}) and calls it. Cannot silently fail by jumping to a label and will always throw an exception.

#10 bif1 #11 bif2 #152 bif3

Spec: bif1 Fail::label() ImportIndex Arg1 Dst::mfarity()

Spec: bif2 Fail::label() ImportIndex Arg1 Arg2 Dst::mfarity()

Spec: bif3 Fail::label() ImportIndex Arg1 Arg2 Arg3 Dst::mfarity()

Looks up BIF with 1, 2 or 3 arguments by Dst mfarity (a tuple {Mod, Fun, Arity}) and calls it. If Fail label is valid (not 0?), VM will jump to the label on error, otherwise will throw an exception.

#12 allocate #14 allocate_zero

Spec: allocate StackNeed Live

Spec: allocate_zero StackNeed Live

Allocates StackNeed words on the stack (a stack frame). Live defines how many X registers are currently in use (for GC call). Current CP value is saved on top of the stack. Allocate_zero writes NIL to all new stack cells, while allocate may or may not do this.

#13 allocate_heap #15 allocate_heap_zero

Spec: allocate_heap StackNeed HeapNeed Live

Spec: allocate_heap_zero StackNeed HeapNeed Live

Allocates StackNeed words on the stack and ensures that there are HeapNeed available words on the heap. Live defines how many X registers are currently in use (for GC call). Current CP value is saved on top of the stack. Allocate_heap_zero writes NIL to all new stack (possibly heap too?) cells, while allocate_heap may or may not do this.

#16 test_heap

Spec: test_heap Need Live

Ensures there are at least Need words on the heap. If needed, GC is performed using Live values from registers array.

#17 init

Spec: init Y

Clears Y+1-th stack word by writing NIL. Offset by one is there because CP is also stored on stack but it is not considered an Y cell.

#18 deallocate

Spec: deallocate N

Restores CP from stack and deallocates N+1 words from stack (one extra for the CP).

#19 return

Jumps to current value of CP register. Sets CP to 0.

#20 send

Sends value X[1] to the process specified by X[0]. X[1] becomes the result of the operation (is moved to X[0]).

#21 remove_message

Unlinks current message from the message queue. Message is moved to X[0]. Current means that there is a movable pointer to a message in the linked list.

#23 loop_rec

Spec: loop_rec Label Source

Picks up next message in the queue and places it into X[0]. If there is no message, jumps to Label which points to a wait or wait_timeout instruction.

#24 loop_rec_end

Spec: loop_rec_end Label

Advances message pointer to the next message, then jump to Label which points to a loop_rec instruction.

#25 wait

Spec: wait Label

Jumps to the Label and immediately suspends the process (wait for event).


Spec: <opcode> Label Arg1 Arg2

Performs a comparison and jumps to Label if false.

  • #39 is_lt - is less

  • #40 is_ge - is greater or equal

  • #41 is_eq - equal ==

  • #42 is_ne - not equal /=

  • #43 is_eq_exact - exactly equal =:=

  • #44 is_ne_exact - exactly not equal =/=

  • #58 test_arity - checks if Arg1 is a tuple of size Arg2

  • #115 is_function2 - checks if Arg1 is a fun of arity Arg2

Guards as Opcodes

Spec: <opcode> Label Arg

Some guards are implemented as opcodes. Performs a check and jumps to Label if false.

  • #45 is_integer - is small or bignum

  • #46 is_float

  • #47 is_number - is small or bignum or float

  • #48 is_atom

  • #49 is_pid

  • #50 is_reference

  • #51 is_port

  • #52 is_nil

  • #53 is_binary

  • #54 is_constant - possibly checks if term belongs to literal area of a module?

  • #55 is_list - term is a NIL or points to a cons cell

  • #56 is_nonempty_list - term points to a cons cell

  • #57 is_tuple

  • #77 is_function

  • #114 is_boolean

#59 select_val

Spec: select_val Arg FailLabel Destinations

Scans Destinations even elements (0, 2, 4...) and compares with Arg. If match is found, jumps to the label in the next odd element (1, 3, 5...) otherwise jumpts to FailLabel. By "match" naive compare is meant.

#60 select_tuple_arity

Spec: select_tuple_arity Tuple FailLabel Destinations

Check the arity of the Tuple and jump to the corresponding Destination label, if no arity matches, jump to FailLabel.

#61 jump

Spec: jump Address

#62 catch

Spec: catch Y Label

Saves a resumption address &CatchEnd in the local frame at position Y. Increments the process catch counter. The instruction is followed by a catch_end instruction. By followed we mean that the catch_end instruction is put after corresponding Erlang expression that is protected from errors by the catch.

#63 catch_end

Spec: catch_end Y

Clears a resumption address stored in the local frame at position Y. Decrements the process catch counter. This instruction is preceded by a matching catch instruction.

#64 move

Spec: move Src Dst

Moves value from the Src to the Dst.

Src can be a value or a slot. Dst must be a slot.

#65 get_list

Spec: get_list Source Head Tail

Gets the head and tail of a list (splits its cons cell) from Source and puts values into the registers Head and Tail.

#66 get_tuple_element

Spec get_tuple_element Source Element Destination::slot()

Gets Element-th item from the tuple denoted by Source and puts it into the Destination slot.

#69 put_list

Spec: put_list H T Dst::slot()

Creates a cons cell with [H|T] and places the value into Dst.

#70 put_tuple #71 put

Spec put_tuple Arity Dst

This opcode is followed by Arity repeated put Value opcodes. Creates an empty tuple of Arity and places pointer to it into Dst. Then moves instruction pointer forward, while next opcode is put, reads argument for every put and places it into the next tuple element. Stops after Arity steps.

#72 badmatch

Produces an error.

#73 if_clause

Produces an error.

#74 case_clause

Produces an error.

#75 call_fun

Spec: call_fun Arity

Calls a fun or export. Arguments are in X[0..Arity-1]. Function object is in X[Arity]. Return address is saved in CP.

Raises badarity if arity does not match the function object. Raises badfun if object is not callable (not a fun or export).

#76 make_fun

Seems to be deprecated, so compiler always generates make_fun2.

#78 call_ext_only

Spec: call_ext_only Arity Destination::mfarity()

Performs a tail recursive call to a Destination mfarity (a tuple {Mod, Fun, Arity}) which can point to an exported function or a BIF. Does not update the CP register with a return address, making return bypass current code location.

#89 bs_put_integer/5

Spec: bs_put_integer Fail=j Sz=sq Unit=u Flags=u Src=s

An integer from src and having bitsize sz is appended to the current writable binary (stored in the internal state) at the current bit offset (stored in the state too).

#103 make_fun2

Spec: make_fun2 Lambda

Produces a callable fun object. Lambda should be resolved at load time to a function entry. Creates a callable box object on the heap which points to this fun object and also has space to store frozen values (Free variables).

#104 try/2

Spec try Yregister Label

Begins a guarded code section by writing a special crafted catch value into the given Y register. The catch value points to the label in case of exception, where a try_case instruction is located.

#105 try_end/1

Spec: try_end Yregister

Ends the guarded section by clearing the catch value on stack with a NIL.

#106 try_case/1

Begins investigation of an exception, also clears the catch value on stack. From here if you need the exception to propagate, you have to raise it again.

#107 try_case_end/1

#108 raise/2

Spec: raise Stacktrace ExcValue

A legacy instruction which takes error type from the provided stacktrace object and creates an exception with the exception value (second argument).

#109 bs_init2/6

Creates a new writable binary of requested size with some extra words, runs GC if needed, then the binary is stored in the internal state. Following bs_put* instructions will add to it. The write bit offset in the internal state is also reset to 0.

#112 apply #113 apply_last

Spec apply Arity

Spec apply_last Arity Dealloc

Calls function at X[Arity+1] in module X[Arity] with arguments X[0..Arity-1]. Module is an atom or a tuple. Function is an atom.

Apply saves current instruction pointer into CP and performs a call to the destination.

Apply_last cuts the stack by Dealloc words preserving the CP on top of the stack, and then jumps to the destination.

#136 trim

Spec: trim N _Remaining

Drops N words on stack after saved CP, moving it N words up.

Binary Matching and Operations

#119 bs_get_binary2/7

Spec: bs_get_binary2 Fail MatchState Live Size Unit Dst

For current binary match position (started by bs_start_match*) extract a sub-binary (a slice) and return it. Live is used for an occasional garbage collection act if the memory is tight. Size:Unit determines how many bits go into the result.

#166 bs_start_match3

Spec bs_start_match3 Fail Context Live Dst

This opcode was introduced in OTP 22 and replaces bs_start_match2.

Depending on whether the value in the Context is binary, or an existing match state, creates a new match state if needed. The position from the match state is used for binary matching step by step by the following bs_* opcodes.

#121 bs_test_tail2

Spec: bs_test_tail2 Fail, MatchState, N

Ensures that the match state has N bits remaining for processing. If this is not true, the VM will jump to the Fail label.

Last modified: 10 June 2024